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terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2007

Sgt Pepper Deluxe

No dia 12 de maio de 1967, a estação pirata Radio London tocou "A day in the life", faixa que encerra o disco que mudou a história da música: "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". Os Beatles chegavam ao auge.

O disco só seria lançado oficialmente em lº junho, mas o que a aquela rádio pirata provocou há 40 anos é o mesmo que os blogs de mp3 fazem hoje.

Até hoje, a EMI nunca lançou oficialmente algo a mais do que um LP/CD (só as reedições normais) do Sgt. Peppers. Nenhuma caixa com a obra completa das sessões de gravações, nem mesmo uma remasterização de qualidade do disco ! - Para termos uma visão mais abrangente, temos que recorrer a pirataria. - Aí sim, podemos ter uma dimensão quase completa da obra prima dos Beatles! - Então vamos lá!

Sgt Pepper Deluxe Vol. 1
Disc 1
Regular Stereo

01-Strawberry Fields Forever
02-Penny Lane
03-Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
04-With A Little Help From My Friends
05-Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
06-Getting Better
07-Fixing A Hole
08-She's Leaving Home
09-Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite!
10-Within You Withou You
11-When I'm Sixty-Four
12-Lovely Rita
13-Good Morning Good Morning
14-Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
15-A Day In The Life
16-Sgt. Pepper Inner Groove1
7-Only A Northern Song - Regular Soundtrack
18-Strawberry Fields Forever - Regular US Stereo Mix
19-A Day In The Life - Regular 1982 MixRegular Yellow Dog Songtrack
20-Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
21-With A Little Help From My Friends
22-Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
23-When I'm Sixty-Four24-Penny Lane - Regular 2000 Mix25-A Day In The Life - Regular 1988 Mix


Sgt Pepper Deluxe Vol. 1
Disc 2

Tracks 01 a 17 idem Disc 1 mas Regular Mono.
18-Penny Lane - Regular Soundtrack mono
19-Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Unused movie mix/ with Dick Emery
20-Strawberry Fields Forever - Regular DVD Stereo mix
21-Penny Lane - idem acima
22-A Day In The Life - idem acima
23-Anthology Medley



Sgt Pepper Deluxe Vol. 2
Disc 1

Recording Session01 a 10-Strawberry Fields ForeverRehearsalTake 1Take 1 + overdubsTake 2Take 3Take 4Take 5Take 6RehearsalTake 7
11-When I'm Sixty-Four - Take 4
12 a 15-Strawberry Fields Forever Take 24 (percussion)Take 25Take 26 RM9Take 26
16 e 17-Penny LaneTake 9Overdub Session
18 a 20-Strawberry Fields ForeverTake 25 (monitor mix)Take 26 (monitor mix)Take 7 RM3 (alternate mix)
21-Penny Lane - RM8 (alternate mix)

Link Part 1:
Link Part 2:


Sgt Pepper Deluxe Vol. 2
Disc 2

Recording Session01 a 04-A Day In The Life Take 1 (composite)Take 2 (+ overdubs)Take 4 (with George Martin)Take 6 RM1
05-Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Take 9 RM1
06 e 07-A Day In The LifeOrchestra overdubTake 1 (edit piece)
08-Good Morning Good Morning - Take 8
09 a 13-Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite!Take 7 (rehearsal)Dialogue fragmentTake 1Take 2Take 7
14-A Day In The Life - Take 9 (edit piece)
15-Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Takes 6-7-8
16-Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) - Take 5
17-Within You Without You - Take 2
18-Only A Northern Song - Takes 3 + 12
19 e 20-Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (sound effects)
21-Good Morning Good Morning - Sound effects
22 e 23-Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite! Sond effectsTake 7 (rehearsal_alternate mix)
24 a 28-Strawberry Fields Forever Take 25 (alternate mix)Take 26 RM9 (outtake)Take 26 (outtake)Take 25 (alternate mix)Take 26 (alternate mix)
29-When I'm Sixty-Four - Mono (speed corrected)
30-Penny Lane - Stereo, with trumpet)
31-She's Leaving Home - Mono (speed corrected)

Link Part 1:
Link Part 2:



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